
Hello Stars!

I hope you all had an amazingly wonderful weekend! I sure did ♥

I spent about 90% of my weekend at home drinking tea, cuddling with my dog and drafting content for my YouTube channel (Subscribe here ). This weekend was very refreshing for my soul and my inner self is ready to conquer new challenges this week.  I want you all to experience this as well because I want you to be successful.

In this post I want to share with you all the purpose/benefits of aromatherapy.

What is Aromatherapy?

Simply put: The therapeutic use of essential oils from plants; using your sense of smell to promote a sense of well-being.

The primary benefit of aromatherapy is relieving or reducing anxiety and depression. It can also boost your energy and cognitive performance, induce sleep, increase circulation, improve digestion and ease pain/headaches. It works by stimulating smell receptors, which send messages to the part of the brain that controls your emotions.

That’s it.

There is no special training or routine needed to experience the benefits of aromatherapy and anyone can try it. Have you ever cleaned with pine sol or another cleaner, left the room/home and the aroma when you re-entered that room made you so happy?? This is not exactly aromatherapy but very close to it. True aromatherapy involves only oils that are extracted from nature (plants/fruits), while most cleaners contain chemicals and artificial scents.

I personally use aromatherapy in my home when setting a certain mood and I keep an oil diffuser in my work area. Different oils have different functions:


Breathe Easy and Glow Daily.

#GetGlowing #SoulanceGlow


Very Truly Yours,

– @soulance.gina

via Aromatic

33 thoughts on “Aromatherapy?

  1. Hey! So do you have a fav oil? I only have tried one (lavender) and i love it. Looking to try maybe tea tree or grapefruit or maybe peppermint for my next one! So many maybe choices lol thx :)) –jess


  2. Good article.

    Just a note, it’s important to avoid air fresheners and chemical odor eliminators. They do more harm than good. Ingredients are mostly petrol by-products and can cause allergic reactions. Only use natural aromas.


  3. Essential oils are a powerful tool when used properly in dealing with health concerns. They are under used and often discredited by the traditional healthcare system. Many of them are missing out on this effective treatment.


      1. Health care is primarily focused on “disease care” and the “maintenance” of it. The concept of working to RESTORE HEALTHY FUNCTION is off the radar. Thankfully many disciplines are beginning to evaluate the person as a WHOLE organism and approaching treatment options addressing ROOT CAUSES rather than simply SYMPTOMS

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