Forget how you feel!

Hi Stars!

Yesterday, while I was cooking and meal prepping 6 different dishes last night – I thought to myself “Ugh, I don’t feel like cooking!” I kept chopping peppers and onions thinking about how good it would feel to sit on the couch and do nothing. Then this thought popped into my head:

If you wait until you “feel like it” to get working towards your goals, you will never reach the finish line.

I then turned on my favorite Pandora station and got my meal prep on!

Tell me, what have you been pushing off?

Remember that no one else can work towards your goals, except you!

#KeepGlowing #GlowDaily #SoulanceGlow

Very Truly Yours,
– @soulance.gina

Burn Calories Anywhere With This…

Hey Stars,

It’s fit Friday!

Today’s post will give you tips and information for an exercise that you can do almost anywhere without spending much. Almost anyone can do it… just jump!

1. Burn a lot of calories…fast.
2. Inexpensive with little skill needed.
3. Jumping releases endorphins {the happy transmitters in your brain}.
4. Good form of cardio!
5. It’s a total body workout that also improves your posture.


Let’s Get Jumping!
#GetGlowing #GlowDaily #SoulanceGlow

Very Truly Yours,
– @soulance.gina

I Need To Hear From You…

Good Day Stars!

Happy Wellness Wednesday!

The goal of today’s post is to get feedback from YOU, my WordPress family. I have drafted some really informative and fun posts for you all but I want to hear from you.

Are there any specific topics or subjects relating to fitness and/or wellness that you would like to learn more about?

If you could ask a personal trainer or wellness coach any question, what would it be?

All feedback is welcome, please leave a comment below.

Thanks! #Keep Glowing

Very Truly Yours,
– @Soulance.Gina


Hello Stars!

I hope you all had an amazingly wonderful weekend! I sure did ♥

I spent about 90% of my weekend at home drinking tea, cuddling with my dog and drafting content for my YouTube channel (Subscribe here ). This weekend was very refreshing for my soul and my inner self is ready to conquer new challenges this week.  I want you all to experience this as well because I want you to be successful.

In this post I want to share with you all the purpose/benefits of aromatherapy.

What is Aromatherapy?

Simply put: The therapeutic use of essential oils from plants; using your sense of smell to promote a sense of well-being.

The primary benefit of aromatherapy is relieving or reducing anxiety and depression. It can also boost your energy and cognitive performance, induce sleep, increase circulation, improve digestion and ease pain/headaches. It works by stimulating smell receptors, which send messages to the part of the brain that controls your emotions.

That’s it.

There is no special training or routine needed to experience the benefits of aromatherapy and anyone can try it. Have you ever cleaned with pine sol or another cleaner, left the room/home and the aroma when you re-entered that room made you so happy?? This is not exactly aromatherapy but very close to it. True aromatherapy involves only oils that are extracted from nature (plants/fruits), while most cleaners contain chemicals and artificial scents.

I personally use aromatherapy in my home when setting a certain mood and I keep an oil diffuser in my work area. Different oils have different functions:


Breathe Easy and Glow Daily.

#GetGlowing #SoulanceGlow


Very Truly Yours,

– @soulance.gina

via Aromatic

Percolate… People.

via Daily Prompt: Percolate

Hello Stars!

Today I am taking a stab at the daily prompt word: percolate (a cool way to say something is being filtered).

This blog will always be about Fitness and Wellness, with a large side of motivation. With that said….

Let’s Percolate!

When I think about clients, family and friends (which includes you all, my WordPress Family!). I instantly think about what I can do to be a cheerleader to you all along this journey towards life. We all have different backgrounds and different challenges in life – but joy and success can be achieved by all of us. You just have to be willing to percolate different choices and people before you allow them into your personal space. Not every person you meet is deserving of your time or heart. Not every “opportunity” or option is the right one for you. You want to be rich and famous because you see actors do it? Maybe it’s not best for you. You want to be married to a tall bearded man? Maybe life has an amazing short man waiting for you. You want to be a doctor to make your parents proud? But maybe a position as a writer will be most fulfilling. Maybe that friend that you are no longer friends with – was meant to be temporary.


You are the keeper of your soul and body. What things do you need to filter from your life?


#KeepGlowing #GlowDaily #SoulanceGlow



Very Truly Yours,


Read more about balancing your life  here

2 Keys to Weight Management

Hello Stars!

In Monday’s post about the benefits of walking, I mentioned that there are 2 main keys to weight management. The first key is to get moving and the second is to eat to live.

Eat to live, instead of living to eat.

This is a mantra that you will hear/see me repeat very often. Why? Because the root of most all weight gain is eating for enjoyment instead of for function. Yes, a pepperoni pizza or cheeseburger with fresh fries would be very enjoyable to eat – especially after a long day or while out at a restaurant with friends or family. Don’t forget a cold soda or alcoholic beverage (and dessert) to go with it! This sounds very tempting, doesn’t it? The problem with that is this:

A cheeseburger & fries doesn’t have much nutritional or functional value for your body. Which is why you won’t feel revived and full of energy after you eat one, you will most likely feel tired and experience slight brain fog (some call this a food high, the “itis” or a food coma).

Eating for enjoyment leads to weight gain over time. When you are eating donuts, cookies, or even birthday cake = it’s for enjoyment (it’s certainly not for your health). The average American gains at least 5+ pounds during the holiday season just from “enjoying” Holiday foods. I challenge you to think before you eat. Ask yourself “Am I eating for enjoyment?” or “Am I eating to live (well)?”

Food = fuel for your body. Are you using good fuel or toxic fuel?

#GlowDaily #SoulanceGlow


Very Truly Yours,

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♦Read last week’s Wellness Wednesday post here.♦

Let’s Take a Walk!

Hello Stars!!!

As a personal trainer and wellness coach, I get asked a lot of questions about weight loss. I absolutely love these questions because I have experience as a weight loss counselor and I was not exactly born “skinny.” I can eat off track for 2 days and feel like I’ve gained 5 pounds.

The concept that I teach my clients is to focus on weight management or maintenance – no person is free from both. Age, lazy days and desserts can become an issue for all of us. This is why I do not push or advise programs that advertise these grandiose results in 30 days or less – they are simply selling to you.

There are only 2 main things to keep in mind when it comes to weight management, the first is to get moving and the second will be discussed in an upcoming post.

I am not urging you to sign up for the nearest gym, buy $60 athletic leggings, and workout every day until you feel comfortable with your body. What if I told you that you could lose weight by doing only one exercise that anyone can do? Well…..

Take a Walk.

Yes, take a walk. Take a few walks. Put on some comfortable shoes and walk around your block or to the bank/store. Just walk, and then walk some more (hopefully in 20 minute increments or more). Talking to a friend while walking is one of the easiest ways to walk without even realizing how far you have gone. Have a Fitbit or pedometer? Work towards those 10,000 steps.

According to, regular brisk walking can help you:

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
  • Strengthen your bones and muscles
  • Improve your mood

While walking remember to practice good posture, keep your abs slightly tightened and walk rolling your foot from heel to toe. Viola!

How many steps in the right direction will you take today?



Very Truly Yours,
– @Soulance.gina

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Time to Flex for Fit Friday!!!

Hello Stars!!


As a lover of Yoga and advocate for TOTAL health & wellness, today’s post is about flexibility.

Flexibility is often the forgotten component of physical fitness.

MYTH: Flexibility is not important unless I am a gymnast or yoga enthusiast.

Fact: There are five main components of physical fitness that are all equally important.


Flex Facts:
“Better flexibility may improve your performance in physical activities or decrease your risk of injuries by helping your joints move through their full range of motion and enabling your muscles to work most effectively. Stretching also increases blood flow to the muscle”. – also notes that flexibility can decrease back pain, improve posture, decrease stress and improve oxygen circulation in the body.

This is why flexibility is a big part of my fitness routine and also a main component of Soulance Sessions.

How often do you flex?!

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Very Truly Yours,


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Wellness Wednesday: Live Well!

Good Day Stars!

Happy Wellness Wednesday, I’m so glad you stopped by this blog today!

I have something very special for you.

I want to share with you all a very important tool that I personally use to stay balanced in my personal life as a wife/mother with a full time job and owner of two small businesses. I am the first in my family to obtain a college degree and the first to become financially stable. I have a huge family that always needs me; can you see where I’m going with this? Basically, you can achieve ANYTHING you want to achieve and your only true barrier is yourself. Yes, life throws us all curve balls that are out of our control, but we can make consistently make good choices that can keep us headed in the right direction.

Your financial situation cannot stop you. Your family cannot stop you. Your race or gender cannot stop you. Your mental or physical condition cannot stop you. Your government cannot stop you.

You are unstoppable.

Yes, you are unstoppable.

If you’re reading this and you a WordPress blogger, you are already headed in the right direction because you choose to consistently write – that’s not average. You are above average.

I have created a worksheet for you that mirrors the systematic way I stay balanced and well.

You can download it by clicking here: The Live Well Worksheet.

I use this worksheet very often as a “self-check” to keep me on the right path and to make sure I live a full life without regrets. I hope you will download this sheet and try it out for yourself. Maybe you can print a few copies so that you can start a new sheet each month? Or even every day or once a week?

It has been readily proven that having and writing goals will keep you on track for success.

Always remember that you’re unstoppable.


Very Truly Yours,

– @Soulance.Gina

#KeepGlowing #SoulanceGlow

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What defines who you are?

Hello Stars!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and maybe even had a chance to hit the gym or fit some form of cardio into your weekend fun! Cleaning was my cardio this past weekend!

So yesterday, my best friend had a dedication ceremony for her 8-month old daughter that I didn’t attend. Why, you ask? I simply forgot. And it hurt me. Badly. This friend means a lot to me and the moment that I realized what I had done – I felt worthless. I felt unworthy of friendship. I felt like a failure as friend.  I couldn’t help but think: what have I been so busy with that I missed this important moment for her, her husband and their baby (her only child)? I was literally at home doing nothing waiting for my clothes to dry. The feeling of not being there to support the person that is always the first person in line to support me – I suddenly felt like I needed to re-examine my focus and to check myself. This may seem minor but this was huge to me.

I found myself taking a long hard look at myself.

These thoughts led to some deep self-reflection. I began to ponder questions such as: Am I selfish? Was this a genuine mistake, or a result of my current mindset? Am I the type of person that is too blinded by own life to be fully present in the lives of those closest to me? I eventually came full circle, accepted what I did, apologized and stopped shaming myself.

Yes, I should have been there but, that one event does not define our friendship.

It does not define me.

My character defines me. My love for others defines who I am. My determination and creativity defines me. My inability to give up defines me.

It’s your turn, in the comments, tell us what defines who YOU are?



Very Truly Yours,

– @soulance.gina

The Little Princess Meeting President Obama Last Month

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