This Will Make You Successful!

Happy Fit Friday Stars!!!

Can you believe that a New Year will be upon us very soon!?

You know what that means:

Time for New Years resolutions!!! ♥

I believe that although goals can be set at any time, it can be a very good idea to track your progress annually and do an overall “self-check” at the start of every new year. I just completed my success sheet for 2017 and I am so PUMPED about it! Writing down my goals just gave me a boost of energy and such an amazingly positive feeling! I want you to be prepared and excited about the new year as well, so GUESS WHAT?

I’m sharing some of my goals with you all and I’ve attached the success sheet that I created so that you all can use it too! 🙂 Click the link below to check it out.


Let me know what you think and what you have planned for the New Year!


Keep Glowing! #GlowDaily #SoulanceGlow

Very Truly Yours,



Watch my latest Vlog here:


3 Ways to Stay Balanced During the Holidays…

Hi Stars!
Hope all is well with you and yours! Here are 3 ways to stay balanced during the Holiday Season, Enjoy!

1. Keep It Simple.
No matter where you faith lies, the Holiday season is about spreading joy and spending time with loved ones. Don’t feel pressured to spend every dime you have for the latest gadgets and gift – the person will love you anyways. Now, it’s very cool to make your house look like a Winter Wonderland as long as you can comfortably afford it ;).

2. Give Yourself Permission….
Yes, Hover boards & drones look fun, and so does everything on every commercial this time of year. Give yourself permission to say no to temporary desires and to others that may be requesting too much from you.

3. Be Mindful.
There will be Holidays treats and desserts everywhere & you can enjoy them in moderation. Remember that taste is temporary and that body fat takes hard work to get rid of! Finally, If this time of year reminds you of a personal loss be mindful to practice self-care, breathe deeply, and allow yourself to grieve + smile.


Sending Joy and Good Energy your Way!


Keep Glowing! ♥
#GlowDaily #SoulanceGlow

Very Truly Yours,



I’m so Nervous to Share This!

Good Morning Stars & Happy Monday! ♥

Although this page is dedicated to Self-Care & Wellness, every so often I would like to share a Vlog with you all. My life is a very colorful one so I hope you enjoy the content. I am a newbie to vlogging, so if you do have any feedback or questions please let me know!

Two new vlogs were posted this past weekend, watch them Here.

Be on the look out for new content every week, so you might as well subscribe to my channel. Thanks in advance for watching!

Until Next Time….. #KeepGlowing

#GlowDaily #SoulanceGlow

Very Truly Yours,
– @Soulance.Gina