Planning to lose weight this year?

Good Day Stars!!

As I revealed in my last post, a big goal of mine this year is to lose weight (around 20-30lbs specifically). My Current weight is 194lbs and a healthy weight for my height and body type (pear shaped “athletic”) is 155-165lbs.

Healthy weight loss is no more 2lbs a week, but I personally believe .5-1lb a week is ideal. Losing weight quickly can be tough on the body and most importantly: nearly impossible to maintain long term. For this reason, I plan to lose my extra weight over a 6-9month period.

Quick fixes often lead to more issues long term.

With that said, I want to share with you all a tool that I am using to help me stay on track for the entire year. This tool is very important to me, and can be for you as well. The chart that I created can be downloaded here: annual-fit-tracker-pdf

As seen in the picture above, this chart is visible in a place that I visit every single day: my work space. I challenge you to download and print the chart to track your progress this year. It is scientifically PROVEN, that getting goals on paper and documenting progress increases your chance of success plus it keeps you motivated along the way.


As a gift to you, I am willing to mail you this chart along with goal setting worksheets to anyone for FREE. Yes, free. Just click the contact tab above and ask me. I’m a small blogger so I’m able to do this now but realistically this will not be available in the future for FREE buttttt for you guys it is ;).


Until Next Time……. Keep Glowing!
#GlowDaily #SoulanceGlow


Very Truly Yours,


Tiny Steps

Hi Stars!!

It feels like it has been forever since my last blog post! Don’t worry; since I’ve been Gone I’ve been working on some really good content for you all and I’m so excited about it!!

Happy New Year!

Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions? If so, I’d love to hear about them in the comments section.

All goals (small or large) are accomplished in increments. If you decided that you will spend less on clothes or fast food, every time you deny the urge to splurge – you are taking a tiny step towards your goal. Maybe you decided that you will stick to a regular workout routine, your first step may be to decide on the type of workout and write it down on your calendar.

One of my personal goals is to lose the newlywed wait that I recently gained (yes, it’s a real thing! lol). Everyday, I will take tiny steps that will lead me to that goal. Walking away from snacks & candy are one of those tiny steps that will make the biggest difference in my progress. While managing your weight, calories matter! By conquering the urge to grab candy/snacks for no reason, I can lose an extra pound or more per month. Is it easy for you to resist junk food?

I challenge you to (literally) give yourself a pat on your back every time you take a tiny step towards your goal.

Until Next Time… Keep Glowing!
#GlowDaily #SoulanceGlow


Very Truly Yours,



If you want to know what I’ve been up to check out my latest videos on my YouTube channel here and while you’re there, please don’t forget to subscribe. I post new videos every week ♥.

I’m so Nervous to Share This!

Good Morning Stars & Happy Monday! ♥

Although this page is dedicated to Self-Care & Wellness, every so often I would like to share a Vlog with you all. My life is a very colorful one so I hope you enjoy the content. I am a newbie to vlogging, so if you do have any feedback or questions please let me know!

Two new vlogs were posted this past weekend, watch them Here.

Be on the look out for new content every week, so you might as well subscribe to my channel. Thanks in advance for watching!

Until Next Time….. #KeepGlowing

#GlowDaily #SoulanceGlow

Very Truly Yours,
– @Soulance.Gina

Happy Halloween!

Good Day Stars & Happy Halloween!

This post is a personal one. I want to share with you all a very fun experience that I had this past weekend 🙂

Over the weekend, I enjoyed some Halloween festivities with my family. A few people told me that I should dress up as Michonne from the Walking Dead TV series – I gave it a try. My husband was Glenn. So many of his friends jokingly said that he should have cut his facial hair and that he was too “dark” but nonetheless, I think we got somewhat close. In costumes we went to a haunted house, dinner and trick-or-treating along with our two little guys dressed up as ninjas.

I was really surprised to have people ask for my autograph and to take pictures with me! While trick-or-treating with the kids in a local mall yesterday, many people whispered and pointed when I walked by saying things like “I gotta get this for my snap chat.” I have to be honest, I’ve never watched the show so all of this was very surprising to me. Keep scrolling for pictures.

Glenn + Michonne


How do you think we did?

Very Truly Yours,


Dear Stars,

Thank you so much for the support so far and I hope you will continue to take the Soulance Wellness journey with me.

The post today will be a personal one… ♥

I am a newlywed. Not only does this mean I have an AWESOME husband, but I also have gained awesome “step-kids” (though I’m not a fan of that word because I treat them as I would my own) and some cool in-laws. Also, I don’t think it matters at all but I am in an interracial marriage. The only reason I even mentioned aloud that my marriage is “interracial,” is because getting to know my in-laws has been a very colorful and dynamic process (and it’s ongoing). My Mother/Father in-law are immigrants to the USA and English is their second language. They were born and raised in Cambodia. My husband was raised speaking the Khmer language and also Buddhist. His family is rich in culture and cultural practices – all of which are completely new and foreign to me. I was raised 100% Christian American speaking only English. Talking with my new parents is not easy, as I don’t know any Khmer and their English is far from perfect. Nonetheless, we are still building our relationship and our actions towards each other actually speak way more that our words ever could.

Why am I (a very private person) telling you all of this?


We are all raised in different ways. There are many languages and religions, but one tiny thing is universal:


Family can be blood related, your spouse and in-laws, or ANYONE you want it to be! I consider my best friends my family. That’s the beauty of family. It doesn’t matter where you are from, your color or what religion you practice, love is an universal language. Anyone can feel the richness of love and family, if you give yourself the freedom to love yourself and be open to the love of others.

Give it a try.

I never said that love or family will be perfect, but that is why LOVE is a daily choice.

I choose to love – What about you?

Very Truly Yours,



#FeelingTheSoulanceGLOW #loveGLOW #keepShinning

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-A sneak peak of our parasailing adventure in Hawaii, on the island of Oahu. Hang Loose.

Click Here to See My Family on YouTube!