Mantra #1…

Close your eyes.

inhale deeply through your nose and out through your mouth.

Say to yourself:
“I am patient. But most of all I am patient with myself.”



Until Next Time… Keep Glowing!
#GlowDaily #SoulanceGlow


Very Truly Yours,

@ Soulance.Gina


Good Day Stars!!!


I hope you are doing well physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!

Lately, I have found myself feeling “busy.” I look at the word busy as a concept that only exists if you allow it to. Most often it is used as an excuse to avoid things. Being “busy” is a mindset and I have been feeling it lately. Sure, being an adult requires being responsible for many things all at once but it doesn’t mean that you have to surrender your happiness to busyness.

If you are feeling busy today, I challenge you to write this mantra on the nearest piece of paper as you say this word aloud:


Now let’s get things done and feel good about it! Resist the urge to procrastinate and just get things done, BUT don’t be too busy to take some time for yourself today.



Until Next Time… Keep Glowing!

#GlowDaily  #SoulanceGlow

Sending positve vibes your way!



Very Truly Yours,

– @soulance.gina

P.S. **I’m on SnapChat finally! Username soulance.gina